
Alba Zevon – harness gag hogtie

It’s so much fun to tie up Alba Zevon! She loves bondage, the tighter the better! So I tried this wall hogtie on her, where her ankles, torso, and harness gag are tied to the wall. She couldn’t move much! Alba absolutely loved it, and she said she wanted it even tighter next time! Let’s hope I get a chance to do that some day!

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One comment

  • Posted 11 months ago

    It’s said of a lot of the girls who are on this site that they genuinely love bondage and being tied up, and you like to think that’s really the case, but in Alba’s case, we know it’s true. Her own clip store is all the proof you need of that, even down to its name.

    by Paul on August 7, 2023 4:39 pm | Reply

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